Create account on voicerss site and get the API access key which will be used to send request from CCX make call step.So these can be changed on fly anytime as per requirement. The text entered in variable on application page are played back by CCX to customer.Make rest call step is used to create prompt for Welcome prompt / Debit queue / Credit queue / Loan queue leveraging cloud services.The text for these prompts is completely editable from application page as we are using prompts text variable as parameter in script.This sample script takes basic usecase of customer calling in a Bank.This byte array output is converted in input stream and further can be used by CCX media steps to play back as prompts.The response here is base64 encoded which is used extracted and decoded into byte array using JAR which is uploaded to UCCX.The script used here makes use of Make Rest call step to send request to voicerss TTS and stores the output in a variable.TTS service we have leveraged here is from voicerss and all information can be checked here: Using the TTS service from voicers we can covert any text to audio and use CCX ability to play back that audio as prompts. Much cheaper than traditional TTS providers.Can change prompts on the fly as per business requirement.No need to pre-record prompts or upload prompts to CCX.Customer need not buy any TTS server which can be expensive at times.There are various advantages to using cloud TTS service: Leverage available cloud Text To Speech services to generate prompts for UCCX and play back the audio prompts on the fly. This JAR is used in sampleCloudTTS.aef to decode base64 output.

This folder contains the sample script sampleCloudTTS.aef and org-apache-commons-codec.jar.